Seed Mixtures

Agassiz Seed & Supply offers multiple seed and mixture options whether you are starting a new lawn or maintaining your current lawn.

Premium Sunny Brand™ Lawn Mixture

(5, 25 & 50 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.) 

Versatile, tough and attractive. This mixture will respond well to a medium to low maintenance schedule of fertilization and grooming, plus gives you the drought tolerance where lack of moisture may be a problem.

Product % of Mix
Kentucky Bluegrass (2) 60%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass 30%
Creeping Red Fescue 10%

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Kentucky Bluegrass (60%)
This species has been selected for color, durability, and economy.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (30%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Creeping Red Fescue (10%)
This species has been chosen for its hardiness and durability.

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Lower maintenance, new construction or anywhere that receives more than 50% direct sun per day. Same, generally, as the Elite brand except seed varieties selected are not as maintenance free. Economical.

Classic Shade/Sun Brand™ Lawn Mixture

(5, 25 & 50 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.) 

This low maintenance blend of grasses will give you the persistence and versatility you need in a low maintenance grooming schedule. Classic has the drought tolerance, shade tolerance, and traffic tolerance you need to perform well under a wide variety of planting areas and soil types.

Product % of Mix
Kentucky Bluegrass (2) 35%
Creeping Red Fescue 35%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass 30%

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Kentucky Bluegrass (35%)
This species has been selected for color, durability, and economy.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Creeping Red Fescue (35%)
This species has been chosen for its hardiness and durability.

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (30%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Lower maintenance, established trees or anywhere that receives less than 50% sun per day. Same, generally, as the Executive brand except seed varieties selected are more maintenance free. Economical.

Elite Brand™ Lawn Mixture

(5 & 25 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

This executive mix was developed to respond well to a high maintenance schedule of grooming, irrigation, and fertilization. The Elite varieties of bluegrass, fine leaf perennial ryegrass, and red fescue that we have selected, will give you the combination of dark color, disease resistance, traffic tolerance, and shade tolerance that the quality conscious homeowner needs.

Product % of Mix
Elite Bluegrasses (3) 60%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass 30%
Improved Fine Fescue 10%

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Elite Bluegrass (60%)
Superior color and disease tolerance when compared to standard bluegrasses.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (30%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Improved Fine Fescue (10%)
More attractive than common creeping red fescue with all the same characteristics of hardiness and durability.

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Higher maintenance, new construction or anywhere that receives more than 50% direct sun per day. Same, generally, as the Premium brand except seed varieties selected are more aesthetically pleasing.

If the customer does not intend to have a regular water/mow cycle than the Premium might be the way to go.

Executive Shady Brand™ Lawn Mixture

(5 & 25 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

This Executive Lawn Mix responds best to a high maintenance schedule of irrigation, fertilization and grooming. We have blended shade tolerant elite bluegrass and improved fine fescue with fineleaf perennial ryegrass for the best combination of shade tolerance and quick cover available. Because of the combination of shade tolerance and disease tolerance, Executive Shady Lawn Mix will perform in environments where other lawn mixes just won’t.

Product % of Mix
Shade Tolerant Elite Bluegrass 35%
Improved Fine Fescue 35%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass 30%

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Shade Tolerant Bluegrass (35%)
Selected for superior color and disease and shade tolerance.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Improved Fine Fescue (35%)
More attractive than common creeping red fescue with all the same characteristics of hardiness and durability.

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (30%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Higher maintenance, established trees or anywhere that receives less than 50% sun per day. Same, generally, as the Classic brand except seed varieties selected are more aesthetically pleasing.

If the customer does not intend to have a regular water/mow cycle than the Classic might be the way to go.

Endure Brand™ Turf Mixture

(50 lb. Bags / Planted @ 10-12 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

The deep taproot of tall fescue helps this mix stay green when others have gone dormant. Strides have been made recently in developing finer stemmed Turf Type Tall Fescue. A higher seeding rate (10 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.) will help this blend maintain its finer leaves.

Product % of Mix
Fine Leaf Turf Type Tall Fescue 70%
Kentucky Bluegrass 10%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass 10%
Creeping Red Fescue 10%

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Fine Leaf Turf Type Tall Fescue (70%)
This species has been chosen for its hardiness and durability.

This durable, drought resistant grass is ideal for high-traffic areas that receive less fertilizer and water than typical turf grasses. The leaf texture is coarser than Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or fine fescues. In order to keep the blades thin a dense stand is required, so a high seeding rate is necessary during establishment of a lawn. These plants have little or no rhizome or tiller characteristics, so it is strongly recommended to be planted with 10-15% Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass.

Kentucky Bluegrass (10%)
This species has been selected for color, durability, and economy.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (10%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Creeping Red Fescue (10%)
This species has been chosen for its hardiness and durability.
Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Low maintenance. For an acreage lawn. Will be a nice lawn if planted at full seed rate so that Fescue blades will be finer.

LM Turf™ Mixture

(25 lb. Bags / Planted @ 3-4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

This Low Maintenance mixture will perform well in those areas you just can’t get to with water or fertilizer, rural airstrips, cemeteries, out yards, ditches and many other areas. These cool season grasses will green up in the spring go dormant in the heat of the summer and green up again in the fall with the onset of cooler moist conditions.

Product % of Mix
Kentucky Bluegrass 40%
Ephraim Crested Wheatgrass 20%
Fairway Crested Wheatgrass 20%
Perennial Ryegrass 20%

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Kentucky Bluegrass (40%)
This species has been selected for color, durability, and economy.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Crested Wheatgrass (40% total)
is an extremely hardy, drought tolerant, long-lived, perennial bunch grass. It makes excellent early pasture and is dormant during hot summer months, greens up with fall moisture.

  • Ephraim Crested Wheatgrass (20%) Ephraim is a long-lived, cool season, drought tolerant, introduced grass with an extensive root system. Although crested wheatgrass is typically a bunchgrass, Ephraim is a weakly rhizomatous grass under conditions.
  • Fairway Crested Wheatgrass (20%) Fairway is fine stemmed and leafy. Tillers more than standard crested. Also shorter, more uniform than Nordan. Adapted for turf use in drier areas.

Perennial Ryegrass (20%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Low maintenance areas. This mix is rugged, made for survival in a lawn acreage that is dryer and isn’t as ornamental. If you would like something a little more attractive but still low maintenance, see Endure.

Athletic Turf Mixture

(50 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

Formulated especially for athletic fields and playgrounds with a blend of tough and durable bluegrass and ryegrasses. Especially developed for constant use, medium maintenance and high traffic areas. Athletic Turf Mix will provide a durable, high quality athletic turf for many years.

Product % of Mix
Elite Bluegrass (2) 50%
Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (2) 50%

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Elite Bluegrass (50%)
Superior color and durability when compared to standard bluegrasses.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (50%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Recommended usage: Perfect for sport fields that will have a high water/fertilizer schedule as the Ryegrasses will die out leaving only the Bluegrass. This will be a very beautiful turf as long as it is maintained.

Green Lawn/Development Mixture

(50 lb. Bags / Planted @ 4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.)

Seeding rate (4-6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.). Annual and perennial ryegrass provide rapid establishment, bluegrass and creeping red fescue fill in and make a durable long lasting lawn. Annual ryegrass has a lighter green color and its rapid regrowth gives an uneven appearance, requiring frequent mowing for appearance and to allow other grasses to establish. This mix is used where rapid stand is required, and is not recommended for dark green premium lawns.

Product % of Mix
Perennial Ryegrass 40%
Creeping Red Fescue 30%
Annual Ryegrass 15%
Kentucky Bluegrass 15%

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Perennial Ryegrass (40%)
This species has been selected for emergence and versatility.

Perennial Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Creeping Red Fescue (30%)
This species has been chosen for its hardiness and durability.

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 14 days to germination.

Annual Ryegrass (15%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Annual Ryegrass is a light green, rapid growing, cool season annual. Coarse leaf texture, short life and clumping growth make it a poor choice for turf grass. It is best suited for highly erodible ground cover on poor or compacted soils.

Kentucky Bluegrass (15%)
This species has been selected for color, durability, and economy.

Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 21 days to germination.

Recommended usage: This is essentially the lawn version of a cover crop. Establishes quickly, great for new lawns, especially with slope. If a customer uses this they should plan to reseed within a two year window as the Ryegrasses die out and the stand begins to thin.

Tour Star Perennial Ryegrass Blend 

(Plant 4 to 6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. Available in 50 lb. bags)

This blend of Fine Leafed Perennial Ryegrass varieties was developed for quality and consistency. We use varieties that provide a consistent disease package, color and winter survivability from year to year. For quick and temporary cover, this blend will do an excellent job for you. 

Product % of Mix

Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (3) 


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Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass (100%)
This species has been selected for emergence, endurance and versatility.

Ryegrass has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for overseeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 10 days to germination.

Low Grow Fescue Mixture 

(Plant 5 to 8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Available in 50 lb. bags)

This mixture is a combination of improved Fine Fescues. Low Grow was developed for low maintenance areas such as thick tree stands with heavy shade and hillsides. The stand will thrive where mowing is difficult or impossible, and will reach a maximum height of 10 to 12 inches when not mowed. 

Product % of Mix
Creeping Red Fescue 25%
Chewings Fescue 25%
Hard Fescue 25%
Sheeps Fescue 25%

ST Turf Mix 

(Plant 4 to 6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Available in 50 lb. bags)

This Salt Tolerant mixture uses varieties that have been selected for their ability to tolerate salt and still maintain good color scores, shade and drought tolerance, and hardiness. This mix is uniquely adapted to tolerate the harsh conditions that high salt soils produce while still maintaining residential turf appearance. 

Product % of Mix

Slender Creeping Red Fescue 


Strong Creeping Red Fescue 


Kentucky Bluegrass 


Hard Fescue 


Sheeps Fescue 




Bluegrass is very durable, bounces back well from drought and heavy traffic. Bluegrass spreads through underground rhizomes to develop a thick, tough, root system, and requires moderate care to maintain its beauty. Approximately 14-28 days to germination.

Creeping Red Fescue

Fescue is used extensively in lawn mixtures, for its ability to produce in shaded areas. Fescue spreads by underground runners and makes a good, uniform sod. It does well on most types or soil, maintains a good color, and can withstand wear. Approximately 7-14 days to germination.

Annual Ryegrass

Annual Ryegrass is a light green, rapid growing, cool season annual. Coarse leaf texture, short life and clumping growth make it a poor choice for turf grass. It is best suited for highly erodible ground cover on poor or compacted soils. Approximately 5-10 days to germination.

Fine-Leafed Perennial Ryegrass

Has the ability to produce a tough turf that resists wear and tear, recovers rapidly from damage, and increases the versatility of lawns for recreational purposes. Vigorous root growth penetrates even compacted soil and makes these grasses ideal for over seeding old and thin lawns. Approximately 5-10 days to germination.

Turf Type Tall Fescue

This durable, drought resistant grass is ideal for high-traffic areas that receive less fertilizer and water than typical turf grasses. The leaf texture is coarser than Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or fine fescues. In order to keep the blades thin a dense stand is required, so a high seeding rate is necessary during establishment of a lawn. These plants have little or no rhizome or tiller characteristics, so it is strongly recommended to be planted with 10-15% Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass. Approximately 7-12 days to germination.

Chewings Fescue

Considered to be one of the fine fescues, this grass blends well with other turf grasses like Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. Like the other fescues, chewings is adapted to growing in shaded areas. These drought tolerant plants prefer sandier soils with lower fertility, but they are not as wear tolerant as other turf grasses.

Hard Fescue

One of the best grasses to be grown in densely shaded areas. It is very slow growing and can be considered a low maintenance grass. Hard fescue has a very low tolerance for heat, can only handle low amounts of traffic and is not adapted to close mowing. It looks best when left to grow to heights of 3 or more inches.

Sheep Fescue

A very drought tolerant bunchgrass that prefers sandy soils and requires little to no maintenance. This grass can be slow to establish, but it is very long lived once it takes hold. This grass should be planted at a relatively high seeding rate or in conjunction with other sod forming grasses when trying to establish turf due to its strong bunchgrass characteristics.


Used extensively on golf courses for putting greens, this grass will tolerate very low mowing. In fact, if left uncut this grass has an almost shaggy, unkempt appearance. It has a very shallow root system, so it will not survive hot temperatures or dry conditions. Bentgrass is extremely aggressive and will form a dense mat, therefore it is not recommend to be mixed with other grasses.